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Strength Mobility & Recovery (SMR) is Newcastle’s leading Performance Recovery and Strength & Conditioning Centre. However, this is not only for athletes, in fact SMR caters for everyone from the grassroots athlete to the elite and everyone in between, providing S & C programs, rehab, prehab and modalities that are scientifically proven to help improve the health and wellbeing of an array of both physical and mental health conditions.

SMR also provides Strength & Conditioning Programs for individuals, groups, elite and general population focussing on helping you reach your goals.

With our accredited staff in sport taping we can offer you a quick no hassle sports taping service as well as supplying you with an array of sports tapes, lotions, hydration and nutrition products to keep you at the top of your game.

So what modalities can you find at SMR?


Whole body cryotherapy (WBC), which literally means “cold therapy,” is a technique where the

body is exposed to extremely cold temperatures for several minutes. The science behind (WBC) is that it can help by; reducing migraine symptoms (1), decreasing inflammation (2), enhancing recovery & numbing nerve irritation (3), treating mood disorders (4), reducing arthritic & fibromyalgia pain (5), treating atopic dermatitis and other skin conditions (6), prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (7), and more.

Infrared Therapy

The key characteristic of infrared therapy is its ability to penetrate the deep layers of the ski. As infrared light is a safe, natural, non-invasive, and painless treatment, it can provide a broad range of health benefits such as; cardiovascular & autoimmune Health (8), chronic pain and inflammation (9), muscular injuries & recovery (10), detoxification (11), and more.

Dynamic compression therapy

Dynamic compression therapy (DCT) uses controlled air pressure to increase

blood flow in your limbs, helps flush the lymphatic system, improves blood flow to the heart and provides muscle tension release (12). At the same time, it supports your veins and decreases swelling and inflammation. DCT can be used for; lymphedema, restless legs syndrome, post-operative inflammation, venous flow issues, fibromyalgia and arthritis, improved healing of leg ulcers, speeding up recovery and more.

Anti-Gravity Therapy

Anti-gravity therapy allows for people to be able to rehab, prehab and exercise at 80% of their bodyweight using the boost Anti-Gravity Treadmill. This is excellent for people wanting to lose weight and cannot exercise due to joint pain, arthritis and/or obesity, for people post-surgery of hip & knee replacements (13), people with lower limb injury rehab or someone who wants to be able to exercise with less impact on their body.

What Strength & Conditioning Programs do we offer?

SMR offers a range of S & C programs run by Australian Strength and Conditioning accredited Coaches and accredited Personal Trainers that include;

  • Mature Age, Functional Fitness Sessions (group/individual)

  • Young Guns, 12 to 18 Sports Specific Sessions (group/individual)

  • Rehab Programs (supported by physiotherapist)

  • Weight loss Programs (group/individual)

  • Stick Mobility Sessions

For more information, blogs, bookings etc check out SMR

(1) Sprouse-Blum, A. S., Gabriel, A. K., Brown, J. P., & Yee, M. H. (2013). Randomized controlled trial: targeted neck cooling in the treatment of the migraine patient. Hawai'i journal of medicine & public health: a journal of Asia Pacific Medicine & Public Health, 72(7), 237–241.

(2) Peres D, Sagawa Y Jr, Dugué B, Domenech SC, Tordi N, Prati C. The practice of physical activity and cryotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis: systematic review. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2017 Oct;53(5):775-787. doi: 10.23736/S1973-9087.16.04534-2. Epub 2016 Dec 19.

(4) J. Leppäluoto, T. Westerlund, P. Huttunen, J. Oksa, J. Smolander, B. Dugué & M. Mikkelsson (2008) Effects of long‐term whole‐body cold exposures on plasma concentrations of ACTH, beta‐endorphin, cortisol, catecholamines and cytokines in healthy females, Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation, 68:2, 145-153.

(5) Małgorzata Gizińska, Radosław Rutkowski, Wojciech Romanowski, Jacek Lewandowski, Anna Straburzyńska-Lupa, "Effects of Whole-Body Cryotherapy in Comparison with Other Physical Modalities Used with Kinesitherapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis", BioMed Research International, vol. 2015, Article ID 409174, 7 pages, 2015.

(6) Klimenko T, Ahvenainen S, Karvonen S. Whole-Body Cryotherapy in Atopic Dermatitis. Arch Dermatol. 2008.

(7) Blazej Misiak, Andrzej Kiejna, Translating whole-body cryotherapy into geriatric psychiatry – A proposed strategy for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease,

Medical Hypotheses, Volume 79, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 56-58.

(8) Shui, S., Wang, X., Chiang, J. Y., & Zheng, L. (2015). Far-infrared therapy for cardiovascular, autoimmune, and other chronic health problems: A systematic review. Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.), 240(10), 1257–1265.

(9) Laukkanen JA, Laukkanen T. Sauna bathing and systemic inflammation. Eur J Epidemiol. 2018 Mar;33(3):351-353.

(10) Larkin-Kaiser, K. A., Christou, E., Tillman, M., George, S., & Borsa, P. A. (2015). Near-infrared light therapy to attenuate strength loss after strenuous resistance exercise. Journal of athletic training, 50(1), 45–50.

(11) Hussain, J., & Cohen, M. (2018). Clinical Effects of Regular Dry Sauna Bathing: A Systematic Review. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2018.

(12) Haun, C. T., Roberts, M. D., Romero, M. A., Osburn, S. C., Mobley, C. B., Anderson, R. G., Goodlett, M. D., Pascoe, D. D., & Martin, J. S. (2017). Does external pneumatic compression treatment between bouts of overreaching resistance training sessions exert differential effects on molecular signalling and performance-related variables compared to passive recovery?

(13) Liang J, Lang S, Zheng Y, Wang Y, Chen H, Yang J, Luo Z, Lin Q, Ou H. The effect of anti-gravity treadmill training for knee osteoarthritis rehabilitation on joint pain, gait, and EMG: Case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 May;98(18)

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